Copyright Policy

 Effective Date: 26-10-2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to Dev.Trinetra, a platform dedicated to the world of coding, study, programming, website development, software development, and web page design. We're committed to providing valuable content and resources to our users. This Copyright Policy outlines the terms and conditions governing the use of content and materials on our website.

2. Copyright Ownership

All content, including but not limited to articles, tutorials, code samples, graphics, multimedia, and any other materials published on Dev.Trinetra, is the property of Dev.Trinetra, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

We may use third-party content, such as images, icons, or code libraries, under appropriate licenses or permissions. These third-party materials remain the property of their respective owners.

3. Permissible Use

You may use content from Dev.Trinetra as follows:

Personal Use: You are welcome to view, download, and print content for personal, non-commercial purposes, provided you maintain all copyright and proprietary notices.

Educational Use: Teachers, students, and educational institutions are encouraged to use our content for educational purposes. However, attribution to Dev.Trinetra is required, and the content may not be modified.

4. Prohibited Use

You are explicitly prohibited from:

Reproducing, distributing, or publicly displaying content from Dev.Trinetra for commercial purposes without our express written consent.

Modifying, altering, or adapting our content in any way that could misrepresent its origin or authorship.

Using any content from Dev.Trinetra in a way that infringes upon the rights of Dev.Trinetra or any third parties.

5. Copyright Infringement

If you believe that your copyright-protected work has been used on Dev.Trinetra in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact us promptly, providing the following information:

Identification of the copyrighted work.

Description of the infringing material and its location on our website.

Contact information.

A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that you have a good-faith belief that the use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.

A statement that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

6. Contact Information

For any copyright-related inquiries, please contact us at:

+91 9179910082

Sidhi Madhya Pradesh India.

7. Updates to Copyright Policy

Dev.Trinetra reserves the right to update or modify this Copyright Policy at any time. Please review this policy periodically to stay informed about any changes.

8. Conclusion

By using Dev.Trinetra, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Copyright Policy. We appreciate your respect for our intellectual property and the rights of others.

Trinetra Rathore

Java Software Developer


Last Updated Date: 26-10-2023

Thank you for using Dev.Trinetra.

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